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Blog - JM. Villalba

JM. Villalba RLM DVD Painting and Weathering Luftwaffe WWII Aircrafts Review

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Like a lot of you, I have been a modeller for most of my life except for about a 30 year break while my wife and I raised our 3 daughters. I started as a kid with the oldies, Airfix, Revell, Aurora, and Monogram. Pretty nice stuff for the time. We usually built the kit following the instructions and, we thought, came up with a respectable representation of our favorite aircraft. When I came back to the hobby about 10 years ago there were some substantial advances in the quality of the kits and the techniques to build them. A lot of the oldies were still being produced but the trend was away from United States kits and the focus was more on Europe and Japan. Then China and Korea jumped in and we are now find ourselves in the Golden Age of the modelling hobby. Many choices, good quality, and many options with photo-etch and resin are now the norm. There are also seems to be an overload of kit builds, How To books and magazines that can overload the mind and drain the pocketbook.

I was recently at an IPMS Show and was repeatedly asked if I had entered anything. I reluctantly said that I had not. I was clearly intimidated by the quality of all the entrants. However I felt the urge to improve and started looking for a way to become a better modeller.

After looking around I found a new DVD that has helped me understand some of the techniques in a very simple, non-intimidating, and logical way. The DVD is from JM. Villalba, a very good Spanish modeller. He has compiled an 80 minute DVD titled “RLM Painting and Weathering Luftwaffe WWII Aircraft”. The DVD takes the viewer step by step through the building and painting of an Eduard FW 190. The DVD is packaged in the new slim case with an attractive cover. The interesting aspect of this presentation is that it is totally done in subtitles, no audio, with a soothing guitar background. This allows the author to make the DVD available in numerous languages through the subtitles.

I found it interesting that Mr. Villalba uses an airbrush for quite a bit of the painting in his build. As you view the DVD the subtitles are on the bottom and when the airbrush is used the pressure is shown in the top right hand corner, usually about 14.5. Also Mr. Villalba shows the formula he uses to mix his paints, particularly the RLM standards. He uses a variety of paint manufacturers, including Tamiya, Vallejo, and M. Hobby. Some of the specific products used may be a little difficult to find, but suitable alternatives are available.

I recently attended a figure painting seminar using acrylics and was struck by how thinned down the paints were. Almost to a watery consistency. I noticed that Mr. Villalba does the same with the airbrushed paints and the brushed effects. There are many great tips in this DVD and whether you build WWII German aircraft or not the ideas and techniques are applicable to other aspects of modelling.

Here is the best part. This DVD is only $19. After watching the DVD I have a much better understanding of how to build a better model. I also feel much more confident that I can build a model that I can enter into competition. I recommend this DVD very highly.  http://shop.lastcavalry.com/jm-villalba-rlm-dvd-painting-and-weathering-luftwaffe-wwii-aircrafts/

Bill Ebensperger