Jon Smith Modellbau
120mm. Resin Cast.
Includes 2 heads - Private, Infantry Battalion, Neuve Chapelle, March 1915 The figure depicts a private soldier of one of the British Infantry battalions who took part in the battle of Neuve Chapelle in March 1915. A young man, he is standing relaxed amongst his mates enjoying the first cup of tea after being wounded, whilst sporting their different war-trophies. After being wounded he would of most probably of had to make his own way back, either alone, or in small groups, going through the reserve and support lines to the Regimental aid post. Here, a quick assessment of the soldier's condition, in this case a field dressing applied and again he would be sent back on foot 1 and ½ miles to the casualty clearing station (sometimes known as advanced dressing stations). Depending on the time available, here he would have the arm cleaned, dressed and a sling applied. If he is lucky, then a motor, or horse drawn ambulance would be available to evacuate the wounded to a field hospital (about 10-15 miles behind the front line), or to a rail head, were the casualties would be moved even further away from the front. Contents: Figure (7 parts) 2nd Head French Army Cup Prussion Shako Model 1895 - Preußischen Tschako Modell 1895 British Steel Helmet MK1 Figure Base (Model Plaster) The figure depicts a private soldier of one of the British Infantry battalions who took part in the battle of Neuve Chapelle in March 1915. A young man, he is standing relaxed amongst his mates enjoying the first cup of tea after being wounded, whilst sporting their different war-trophies. After being wounded he would of most probably of had to make his own way back, either alone, or in small groups, going through the reserve and support lines to the Regimental aid post. Here, a quick assessment of the soldier's condition, in this case a field dressing applied and again he would be sent back on foot 1 and ½ miles to the casualty clearing station (sometimes known as advanced dressing stations). Depending on the time available, here he would have the arm cleaned, dressed and a sling applied. If he is lucky, then a motor, or horse drawn ambulance would be available to evacuate the wounded to a field hospital (about 10-15 miles behind the front line), or to a rail head, were the casualties would be moved even further away from the front. The small farming village of Neuve Chapell lies about 8 miles south west of Armentieres in northern France and was the scene of the first major British offensive of 1915. The British attacked using elements of the Regular, Territorial and Indian Army. At the battle itself, small gains were achieved, but the expected break through never came about and over the 4-day period of fighting the allies suffered an estimated 12,000 casualties, of which 3,500 were fatal. I have intentionally not linked the figure to any particular regiment, or arm of service, but have left the choice open as I feel that this witty character will always be found in any part of the British Army, regardless of place and time. If however, for those who wish to give the figure an identity - then on the 10th March, the first day of the battle, the leading companies of 2nd Battalion The Middlesex Regt., along with elements of 2nd Scottish Rifles attacked trenches held by 2 companies of the German 11th Jäger. Head 1: This is the head of the soldier taken from the original photo. It depicts a young man of about 20 years old. His teeth are slightly uneven and he has a few days growth of beard. Head 2: This is a head from an earlier figure - Private, 4th Battalion Tank Corps, which has been slightly altered around the neck and lower jaw. The response to this figure, especially the expression on the face was quite good and so it has also been included as an alternative with this figure - maybe with him holding the shako in his good hand? If one holds the head in front of a light, then it is possible to see were parts of the hair have been modelled very thinly - notably the wave of hair hanging down between the left eye and ear and directly above. These thin areas can be removed using a sharp blade giving the hair an extra lightness. Uniform Service Dress M1902: The standard battle dress of the British Army in World War 1. On account of the injured right arm, the tunic has been draped over the shoulder and held in place by a piece of bandage tied from the second button to the opposite hole. The area behind the bandage and between the cardigan (private purchase) can be cut away - here again the resin has been cast thin. On each side of the tunic is a brass metal support hook for the belt (on the figure only one can be seen). Beneath the shoulder straps at the front are the reinforced rifle patches. The buttons were brass - Rifle Regiments (Light Infantry) in the British Army wore black. On the tunic itself, the structure and fold of the creases follows the standard form copied from various photos of British troops in the field. It is always better when gathering reference material to use original photos of troops who have been actually wearing their uniforms for long periods of time, as most uniforms (as indeed all types of clothing, depending on the material used) will crease and fold in roughly the same way. Some reference books, especially for collectors of uniforms are helpful for colour-reference and information etc., but will not always portray an accurate picture of how the uniforms appeared after many days in the front line. Colour: khaki - an Urdu word meaning dusty. The dye for the material originally came from India and was made out of tea, or mud. This colour, a kind of dull brownish- yellow was more suited to the battlefields of France and Belgium than the German blue- grey. Inside the left tunic sleeve is part of the cuff of the blue-grey Army issue shirt. Army Form W.3118 - Field Medical Card: The card label fixed to the third tunic button would have been attached during the initial treatment at the casualty clearing station. On the label itself, written in lead pencil were the following details: number, rank, name, unit, wound or disease, condition (if any) requiring special treatment, medical unit from which transferred and date. A red edged card was used for cases dangerously or severely wounded and who required immediate attention. Service Dress Trousers M1902: A straight cut design, with a pocket each side and held up normally with the issued braces. The structure and fold and the creases again follows the standard form copied from various original photos of British troops in the field, i.e. slight build-up around the knees, long vertical creases at the front and large curving at the rear. Colour: khaki. Puttees M1902: An Indian word meaning bandages. Designed to cover the gap between boot and trousers, keeping the lower leg warm and dry. The figure as in the original photo sports very uneven and untidy puttees - a result of the constant wearing in these adverse conditions. Colour: khaki (slightly more brown as in the service dress). Ammunition Boots: The standard British Army issued boot, with steel studs in the sole. From 1918 a new type of boot was issued with a reinforced sole and toecap. The figure is wearing the early type of boot. These boots were by no means waterproof and with prolonged exposure to dampness and cold in the trenches, there had to be regular foot inspections carried out by unit, or R.A.M.C (Royal Army Medical Corps officers). Colour: black. Prussion Shako Model 1895: Preußischen Tschako Modell 1895. The standard Prussian Shako for other ranks, worn by Jäger and Schützen Regiments, along with other units i.e. Machine-gun detachments, Telegraph - Signal, Air Service (including Airship) units. Up to 1854 Jäger battalions had worn the Pickelhaube and it was not until the 1950s that the last shakos worn by the German Police were to be seen. As the war progressed and particularly after 1916, front line troops were issued the steel helmet and shakos were seldom seen. Made out of black painted leather with the seem running down the front behind the helmet plate badge. The helmet form tapered slightly towards the top and the rear was shaped to the head. It had an oval leather top stitched to the body, with gloss black painted brass vents directly underneath, at the sides, each with 6 holes. The front and rear visors were made out of thick leather and had a black polished finish. As always being an other-ranks helmet this would of had the standard leather chinstrap with two adjustable brass (later matt grey painted steel) buckles. On the right of the helmet, behind the chinstrap are the national Reichsfarben: black, white and red (from outwards to the centre). Behind the side posts, between the visors are the leather reinforcements. The helmet plate is the Prussian line eagle, bearing the inscription Mit Gott Für König und Vaterland - With God for King and Fatherland - and the letters FR standing for Fridericus Rex. (Fridericus Rex - Latin - King Friedrich. This was King Friedrich II, or in the German spelling König Friedrich der Große). The eagle holds the Zepter - mace with a small eagle on top - and the Reichsapfel - orb (globe mounted by a cross). The metal used depended on the colour of the tunic buttons, but would have been either Tombak (an alloy of copper and zinc, which had a matt bronze/yellow colour) or Neusilber (German silver - argent. An alloy of zinc, copper and nickel, similar to the colour of aluminium). From 1915 onwards all helmet plates were produced in iron, or steel and painted matt grey. Normally a wooden cloth covered field badge approx 62mm high with the Prussian white and black colours is attached to the top of the helmet. These of course, like the Pickelhaube spike were quickly removed in the first months of the war. The natural leather interior had a 9-finger liner tied in the middle with a cord. Equipment British Steel Helmet MK1: Produced from November 1915 onwards. Manufactured from a non-magnetic hardened steel and weighing 980 grams, the Brodie resembled very much the helmets worn by pikemen during the 14th and 15th centuries. By March 1916 a total of 140,000 had been issued to the Allied troops in France. Colour: the first helmets to be introduced had a shiny blue-grey paint, or even bright green. From March 1916 onwards the helmets received a rough textured paint of khaki colour. The liner was made out of blackened leather. The helmet with the figure has a sand bag cover over it to reduce the shine and break-up some of the hard outline. The slight indent of the material running across the top is the corner fold of the sand bag. If you wish to place the helmet on one of the heads then this fold should run from front to rear of the figure, with the moulding plugs area at the back. Note: this item is an extra for the figure. The helmets were not issued at the time, but it could be used for a figure conversion, or just the spare box. Cup: The French Army issue tin-plated steel cup. Part of the French mess equipment and very often seen attached to the outside of the French Model 1877 Canteen. The resin area within the handle can be carefully cut out. Colour: dull silver. Fork and Spoon: He has pushed his fork and spoon into the top of his puttees, probably for an easy, quick access. As a knife he would of most probably of used his issued pocket- knife, which was kept in one of the tunic pockets. Colour: dull silver (tin-plated). Miscellaneous Right Hand: The area between forefinger and thumb can be cut away. Here the resin has been cast thin. This can also be applied to the hollow gaps between the boots and the figure fitting blocks. The Base: The base supplied with the figure depicts a section of gravel platform typical of one of the nearby railway stations close to the battle behind the British line.