1/35th scale. 5 Pieces Unique To This Set.
Turret Stowage: The Turret Stowage pieces are flat and the reason for this is to keep the set cheap and easy to cast as well as give the modeller the choice of putting it on the rounded side of a turret or onto a flat spot of the hull or a halftrack or truck. Most of these turret stowage bits have field modifications (welded on bars of all shapes and sizes) incorporated into the tarp rolls and if you toss them in a coffee cup and pour in a little boiling water, fish out the piece with tweezers after 20-30 seconds it will be flexible and you can just form it to the turret. Hold it in place until it is cool and it will retain that curve/shape. Then you can paint it and glue it back on later. It might take a couple tries to get it just right on your turret, but the hot water does not hurt the resin so soak it as many times as you need to make it fit perfectly.
Adding Stowage Tie down Ropes: Once you have the engine deck piece in just the right spot you can put your tie down ropes in place and make a couple marks on the resin to show where the ropes will be. Using a small triangle file you can make some slight indentions where the ropes will cross the stowage and give it a realistic tied down look.